State Trooper Explains Why People Should Never Try to Feed Wild Animals

If you've ever been anywhere near a moose, you know how big they are. They're intimidating animals, and I'm not sure why anybody would want to feed a wild one, but apparently, it's an issue in Alaska. Kyle Lee is the owner of @Alaskan Salmon Company and has a friendly female moose that comes right up to his door. He shared a video of him feeding her that caught the attention of the Alaskan State Troopers.

At the end of January 2024, Kyle invited a State Trooper Devoe to explain that feeding these wild animals is illegal, and some of the other reasons that people shouldn't do it.

This makes a lot of sense, right? I know @Kyle was feeding the moose a carrot, something she might come across in the wild, but other people may feed her stuff she shouldn't be eating, like junk food. But the next reason is the best one. When moose and other wild animals correlate food with people, they can get upset if people don't have it and attack...something I would not want to be on the receiving end of!

Related: Alaskan Moose Joins Soccer Team on Practice Field in Wild Video

Wild Animals Helping Themselves to People Food

I think it's cool that he got a ticket and decided to share his newfound knowledge with others, but I am curious how much the ticket cost him. @Florida Coast Naturals laughed, "I’m hoping this informative video got you out of the ticket LOL!" but @Megan Ashton chimed in with, "There’s about nothing that could get you out of a ticket when you’ve done something illegal regarding wildlife in Alaska. We don’t play about that."

And while this did happen up in Alaska, the warning applies to all of the states. People feed these animals and they get used to having human food, and then they get more brazen with their attempts to get our food.

Check out this bear that stole a family's Door Dash right off the porch! Raccoons have done the same thing, and while it's funny to see, it can also be scary to know that you have little thieves wandering around. This man found a bear rummaging around in his trash cans, and his reaction will make you laugh out loud! Having to deal with neighborhood bears is one thing I'm glad we don't have to do where we live!

I'll admit that I do feed the birds and (inadvertently) the squirrels in our yard, but I wouldn't attempt to feed any of the deer that wander through. I couldn't imagine opening my front door and finding one waiting for a meal! Even if I wanted to, these deer are so skittish that I don't think I could get close enough, and I'm not about to try to find out!

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