Alaskan Moose Joins Soccer Team on Practice Field in Wild Video

Moose are generally not dangerous to humans, unless they feel threatened or provoked, but it was still probably a good idea to let this big guy have his space when he decided to join a soccer practice, in, yeah, you probably guessed it, Alaska.

Check out the following amazing video posted by the TikTok account for @Sharingalaska of this moose joining in on the game.

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People are loving this playful moose and @Erin comments, "Great job stopping practice/ giving him space! I’m sure it helped this close encounter be a fond memory instead of a tragedy." @Matt hilariously adds, "Ummm he's a soccer player there on the Bullwinkle scholarship..... Duh...." @Big replies, "Probably a better center back then me." @Slim responds, "this is better than any soccer match." Another user comments, "Let him play. I bet nobody will try to steal ball from him." @Multi suggests, "Sign him immediately." @John says, "I would have kicked the ball back to him." They really are such beautiful and majestic animals. Moose are one of the largest land mammals and they can even weigh up to 1,500 pounds or more. We are pretty sure he could have easily broken that soccer ball!

You should always keep a safe distance should you ever encounter a moose, and by respecting moose as wild animals and giving them the space they need, you can help reduce the risk of dangerous encounters and ensure both your safety and theirs.

The Seattle Mariners have the Mariner moose so maybe this soccer team should make a moose their mascot too!

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