
Police Officer Accidentally Shoots Motorcyclist, Blames Muscle Memory - Video

Footage has surfaced of a Minnesota police officer accidentally shooting a motorcyclist after stopping him for speeding. And what follows is one of the most Minnesota situation ever.

The shooting took place last June in the Twin Cities suburb of Eden Prairie, but video of the incident was only recently uncovered by local television station KMSP. In the video, Eden Prairie Police Sgt. Lonnie Soppeland pursues 21-year-old motorcyclist Matthew Hovland-Knase at speeds reportedly in excess of 100 mph. Eventually, the latter slows his motorcycle and pulls into the dirt shoulder of the road.

Soppeland quickly steps out of his patrol car, and in the process of shouting, "Get your hands where I can see him," fires a shot that hits Hovland-Knase in the arm.

In the unedited version of the video, Soppeland can be heard hissing, "Oh, sh*t. F*ck. F*ck," in much the same tone one might use after spilling really hot coffee into one's lap.


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Instantly, the scene takes on the dark comedy of a Coen brothers film. Hovland-Knase, still on the bike, yelps in pain and Soppeland's Minnesota accent becomes more pronounced. The two manage to get the bike's kickstand down and Hovland-Knase takes a seat by the roadside while Soppeland jogs to his car for a first aid kit.

As Soppeland begins dressing the wound, Hovland-Knase observes: "Ah, man. C'mon. Ya actually shot me, didn't ya?"

"Yah," Soppeland mutters. "You know, it was not intentional."

"I know it wasn't, man," Hovland-Knase replies.

Officer Soppeland, an eleven-year veteran of the force, clearly struggles with remorse, saying almost to himself: "But you ran, man. You were tryin'. But I mean that's not...that still doesn't excuse my actions."

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When support officers arrive a few seconds later, Soppeland informs them of the situation by sighing: "He was shot in the arm. By me."