
Just a Cute Video Of Baby Racers to End the Week

My childhood was spent building forts, sandcastles, and surfing in Santa Monica, but I would have given anything to have had my own pocket bike or go-kart a year after I learned how to walk.

Tima Kuleshov, (the kid riding the motorcycle) and four-year-old Makar Zheleznyak (the kid driving the go-kart), have the best parents in the world for getting them these toys and getting them started in their respective sports.

I fully expect to see these two kids become professional racers if they choose to commit themselves.

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The video below is not only fantastic to watch, but it’s also super cute.

Yeah, that’s right, I said it: "Super cute."

I’m comfortable saying that publicly as a gruff, manly motorcyclist. We have a soft side too you know.