Two Skiers Killed In Utah Avalanche

On May 9th, 2024, the Utah Avalanche center posted an update regarding accident on Lone Peak, writing, "we are saddened to report two people died in today’s avalanche near Lone Peak. A third party member was transported off the mountain and taken to a local hospital for assessment." See below.

"Recovery efforts have been suspended for the day and will resume in the morning."

"The Utah Avalanche Center will continue to collect information and share more details when they become available. Our condolences go out to all those affected by today’s tragic accident."

The official avalanche report from the Utah Avalanche Center reports that "a group of three was ascending a slope called Big Willow Aprons. They had switched from skiing to boot packing and were near the top when the avalanche occurred."

Locate Lone Peak and Big Willow Aprons on the map below.

Lone Peak on a map. Coordinates courtesy of the Utah Avalanche Center.
Lone Peak on a map. Coordinates courtesy of the Utah Avalanche Center.

"The person in the lead was caught and carried downhill on the looker’s right side of a ridge or fin of rock. That person was partially buried and was able to self-extricate. The other two were caught and carried downhill on the looker’s left side of the ridge feature. Those two were fully buried and unfortunately did not survive."

<em>Photo courtesy of the Utah Avalanche Center.</em>
Photo courtesy of the Utah Avalanche Center.
<em>Photo courtesy of the Utah Avalanche Center.</em>
Photo courtesy of the Utah Avalanche Center.

The soft slab slide was unintentionally triggered and was most likely the result of wind drifted snow with a weak layer from the density change.

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragic event, especially the family and friends of those involved, at this time.

You can read the full avalanche report from UAC here.

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