Two candidates are running for Dallas County auditor

Two candidates are seeking to be Dallas County auditor.

Republican Todd Halbur and Democrat Robert Oller are each running unopposed in their party's primary and will face one another in the general election. Current Auditor Julia Helm is running unopposed for the Dallas County Board of Supervisors.

To help voters, the Des Moines Register sent questions to all federal, Des Moines area legislative and local candidates running for political office this year. Their answers have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

The primary election is scheduled for June 4 ahead of the Nov. 5 general election.

More: Early voting has started for Iowa's June 4 primary election. Here's what you should know:

Who is Todd Halbur?

Todd Halbur
Todd Halbur

Age: 57

Party: Republican

Current town of residence: Clive

Education: Carroll High School, University of Iowa. Bachelor's degree in business.

Occupation: Small business owner of a school supply distribution company and licensed Realtor.

Political experience and civic activities: In 2022 I won the Republican primary to be the Republican candidate in the November election for state auditor. From 2008-2013 my wife and I founded and operated a nonprofit, Teacher Tools 4 Tomorrow, that provided teachers in lower-income schools throughout Iowa with classroom supplies. Several volunteer hours at school activities, school sports and church activities. Volunteer hours with programs at the United Way, Habitat for Humanity and Meals from the Heartland.

Who is Robert Oller?

Robert Oller
Robert Oller

Age: 28

Party: Democrat

Current town of residence: West Des Moines

Education: Bachelor's, Kansas State University — dual major in economics and in modern languages (French)

Occupation: Reinsurance analyst

Political experience and civic activities: No previous political experience.

Why are you running?

Halbur: Election integrity is vital for all citizens, not just political parties. We need to move onward and upward together for safe, secure and fair elections. Dallas County is the fastest growing county in the state of Iowa, and we need to be the leaders in maintaining the safety and security of our sacred expression to vote. My wife and I have lived and raised our family in Dallas County for the last 22 years.

Oller: Local politics is the foundation of our government and is vital to our community. As a young person who sees firsthand a growing disinterest in politics, I want to re-engage Dallas County residents in the election process and in their government. By doing the hard, behind-the-scenes work of democracy, we can continue to build our county as its population grows and diversifies. My goals are to keep our local government accountable, fiscally responsive, and representative of the people who live here. Increasing election participation by registering new voters, engaging existing ones, and recruiting poll workers will be a key factor in accomplishing this.

What is the most important issue facing Dallas County and how would you address it in office?

Halbur: Our country needs a recovery in the morale of our election integrity. I will continue to provide the integrity of securely printing our paper ballots, programming and software of our ballot tabulators, and the security of processing our absentee ballots. I will commit to follow our election laws and Constitution. I pledge that the Dallas County Auditor's Office will continue to be open, accountable and accessible to all of our Dallas County citizens.

Oller: As Dallas County grows, we need to be reminded that our government is comprised of our people and that it works for them. I will work hard to maintain election security, fiscal integrity, and to make it easier to understand how to get involved in our elections.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Meet the candidates running for Dallas County auditor