Taurus May 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Bella Geraci/Allure

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Taurus personality profile.

Welcome to May, Taurus. This month brings the end of your season (sorry). However, with the sun entering witty Gemini, May pulls you out of your comfort zone with the greater goal of making your dreams come true. During April, your horoscope alerted you that the eclipse might also bring the start of unexpected relationships. Perhaps this meant a romantic meet-cute, connecting with a new mentor, or making a fabulous new friend. May sees you primarily focused on your creative or professional life, but be sure to continue to nurture those new relationships even when the stars try take your attention elsewhere.

On Thursday, May 2, Pluto, the sign of transformation, goes retrograde in weird Aquarius. This transit prompts you to reevaluate your professional goals. Are you happy or just settled into a routine? The latter is a trap that earth signs like you can fall into. It's easy for you to mistake comfort and stability for true happiness. It's important to take risks sometimes, Taurus.

There’s a new moon in your sign on Tuesday, May 7. New moons are cosmic opportunities for fresh starts. On this same day, the sun, which is currently in your sign, creates a sextile with Saturn that reminds you that you deserve to live your dreams. This cosmic push continues for the bulk of May. Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday, May 15. With the messenger planet nice and cozy in your sign, there's no excuse not to ask for what you want. Further emboldening you, on Friday, May 17, chatty Mercury squares (a stressful aspect) transformative planet Pluto, which advises you to be a little bit sneaky. This doesn't mean to lie, deceive, or cause harm to others, but it does remind you that when planning your happiness, it's okay to keep cards close to your chest. Sometimes, it's indeed best not to talk about deals and plots until the ink is dry.

The sun leaves your sign and moves into Gemini, kicking off Gemini season, on Monday, May 20. The next few weeks are about growing the wealth in your life. We can't promise more money in this economy, but the stars indeed note that this Gemini season is an advantageous time to grow your bank account. Stay on top of your inbox; a new job opportunity could come out of what feels like nowhere. However, this transit is really about you becoming happier. When we think of wealth, in our society, the focus is usually monetary. Gemini season encourages you to follow your heart down paths that increase other types of riches too.

That road to joy could come with a few surprises. There’s a transformative full moon in Sagittarius on Thursday, May 23. Full moons can be a little stressful. Not eclipse-level tumultuous, but still. Let yourself off the hook if you want to bail on plans tonight. Your phone might light up with an unexpected opportunity, though it might involve ending one aspect of your life to start fresh. You may leave a situationship only to find yourself with an even better romantic match. Or you may realize that you're totally over your job, only to realize that there is a feasible path ahead for enjoying some much-deserved downtime.

Many of the opportunities you've been yearning for come your way when Jupiter moves into Gemini.

The end of May is filled with frivolous fun that reminds you of the importance of practicing gratitude. No, perhaps you haven't made all your childhood dreams come true yet. But you're working on it, and your life is already alive with magic. When your ruling planet, lovely Venus, saunters into charismatic Gemini on Thursday, May 23, you're more in awe of the glow of the stars and appreciate quiet moments, like reading a great book while curled up with your familiar. When we're happy and grateful, the universe reciprocates.

Many of the opportunities you've been yearning for come your way when the lucky and expansive planet Jupiter moves into Gemini on Saturday, May 25. Remember that just as the universe loves to dote on those who appreciate its beauty, when you're bogged down in nasty emotions (like envy) you'll likely attract bad vibes. Continue your gratitude practice for the mission of both becoming happier and attracting abundance. We'll see you in June.

Important dates in May 2024:

Thursday, May 2: Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius
Tuesday, May 7: New moon in Taurus
Tuesday, May 14: Ceres goes retrograde in Capricorn
Wednesday, May 15: Mercury enters Taurus
Thursday, May 16: Pallas retrograde enters Scorpio
Monday, May 20: Sun enters Gemini
Thursday, May 23: Full moon in Sagittarius
Thursday, May 23: Venus enters Gemini

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of May 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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