Sanctuary Cow’s Love for Her ‘Forever Herd’ After Losing Her Family Is Heartwarming

Animals, especially herd animals, such as horses and cows, are emotional beings just like humans, who feel happiness and sadness.

The sanctuary, @happycompromisefarm, shares in this video, posted on December 10, their rescue cow Miriam, who lost all her friends and family members but has found a new family at the sanctuary, and she couldn't be happier. Let's check it out!

Aw, cows can feel various emotions, just like humans can.

As you may know, cows are social animals who live in herds, so when they lose their herd family, not only do they feel sad but also vulnerable.

Why Herds Are Important to a Cow’s Well-Being

Herds not only protect each cow individually, but cows also build close friendships within their herds, which they can't form at a dairy farm or beef farm.

It's hard to say what happened to Miriam's herd family, but I suppose she lost them due to factory farming, and her herd may have ended up in the slaughterhouse or was sold because they weren't useful to the farmers anymore, just like Miriam was, since she couldn't be loaded up to take to the slaughterhouse.

That's the reason why this sanctuary took her in.

Animal Sanctuary Living Can Improve a Cow’s Well-Being

At an animal sanctuary, a cow or any rescued animal gets another chance at life. With lots of patience, and loving, tender care, many animals can recover and slowly learn how to trust humans again, as well as make connections to other animals while they roam freely.

In addition, sanctuary caretakers take their time to give each animal the attention it deserves, their own four walls they can call a safe space, as well as high-quality food.

Miriam was so scared at first, but she slowly adjusted by seeing the other animals be happy and relaxed.

And when she met the other cows at the sanctuary, she was automatically drawn to them and felt like she had to help raise the three calves.

It's like she found her real purpose in life.

This is such a happy ending to a heartfelt story!

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