San Diego Zoo Offers up a ‘Speed Round’ Beaver Anatomy Lesson

The @San Diego Zoo always shares fun and educational videos about the animals that call it home. Sometimes the videos introduce us to new members of the family (like a new baby elephant or zebra) while others help us better understand the animals and how they live.

They shared a video about beavers on Wednesday, December 13th introducing us to Peanut the beaver, and telling us all about her anatomy from head to tail in just 20 seconds. Do you know why a beaver's teeth are an orangish color? They'll explain! They even end the video by telling us that we all now "gnaw it all" about beavers!

@San Diego Zoo packed a lot of info into just 20 seconds! I thought it was interesting to learn that beavers use their tails as a rudder like on a boat. Their teeth or orange due to the iron in their tooth enamel, which makes them strong enough to gnaw down trees. The fact that their ear flaps close when they go under water is genius! My daughter loved being in the water when she was little but always got ear infections...she could've really used those flaps! And I love how she ended it by calling the ever-building beavers "eco-system engineers". What a cool title for an animal to have!

Related: Baby Beaver Throwing a Fit When Lunch Is Over Is All of Us

Commenter Reactions to Their New Beaver Knowledge

While the video didn't get a ton of views, it did get more than a hundred comments. Many people had questions, like the commenter who wondered, "And the front part of a beavers' teeth is harder than the back so their teeth stay sharp? They also never stop growing I think". @jitterbug asked, "Quick question do the scales on beaver tails fall off?" Someone asked, "Capybara Or Not?" and the Zoo replied back, "Not capybara, but second largest rodent". @OLSLAPPY wanted to know what we all wanted to know, "But can you snuggle them?"

So many commenters thanked the zoo for the info and asked that they keep the videos coming. I hope they do! @go dog go fast said, "Wow that’s cool to see and learn!! Close up tail?? Great to see first time ever!!" @Aquarium of the Pacific, a huge aquarium located in Long Beach, California was one of the people that said simply, "Thank you Peanut!"

I hope the zoo continues to do these "speed rounds" of education about their animals! It was a fun way to get up close and personal with an animal that I didn't know anything about but always enjoy seeing!

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