Riding 'The White Line', Sedona's Most Famous MTB Trail

One of the most famous trails in the world is the White Line in Sedona, Arizona.

It gets its notoriety from being incredibly exposed with a precipitous drop-off. Watch Heather Munive take on the trail with some friends.

In this video, Munive rode the White Line with some friends.

The White Line is a simple enough trial, but very hard. Riders traverse across a sloped face of sandstone with a distinct white slab before the crux move which requires making a very steep turn before a huge drop-off. There have been videos of riders' bikes plummeting off into oblivion.

In other contexts, a trail like this would not be the most technical out there, but given the exposure, it is a formidable challenge.

Heather Munive is a popular YouTuber who is no stranger to exposure. Watch her take on the famous Portal Trail in Moab below.

Related: YouTuber Rides The 'Deadliest' Mountain Bike Trail In The World

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