Kitten Wanting To Be Wrapped Into a ‘Purrito’ Is the Sweetest Thing

Cats and dogs each have their own distinct personalities, as we know, just like us humans, and some behaviors are not only cute but also entertaining.

Meet the owner of the kitten, Poppy, who shared in a video posted on October 31 that Poppy insists on being wrapped in a burrito. That's right!

This is a "purrito" now!

Related: Kittens Comforting Sibling During a Nightmare Couldn’t Be Sweeter

How cute is this?

Poppy basically demands to be wrapped into a purrito by meowing to let her owner know what she wants.

Cats and dogs are just too funny!

Many kittens often enjoy being wrapped in a "kitten burrito" with a towel because it provides them with a sense of security and comfort. This behavior mimics the feeling of being close to their mother or siblings.

Makes sense!

This sensation can be comforting and calming for them. However, it's essential to be gentle and cautious when attempting this, ensuring that the kitten is comfortable and not distressed in any way.

Wrapping a kitten in a towel or blanket creates a snug environment and can provide warmth, similar to the body heat they would feel when cuddled up with their family members. This feeling of warmth is soothing and calming for kittens.

Don't we all love to be wrapped in a blanket or cuddle with our significant others?

The pressure and containment provided by the wrap can have a calming effect and help reduce stress and anxiety in some kittens. It can make them feel more at ease, especially in unfamiliar or overwhelming situations.

Aw, little Poppy is just looking for some warmth and comfort.

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