Cat Insists on ‘Adopting’ Litter of Kittens and It’s Just Too Cute

It's not uncommon for adult cats to display nurturing behavior towards orphaned or abandoned kittens, even if they aren't the biological mother.

TikToker LadyXGem experienced that with her one cat, Athena, and the kittens of her other cat, as she shared in this adorable video posted on September 28. Let's see for ourselves!

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This behavior is not only adorable to witness, but it's also heartwarming. When a cat "adopts" a litter of kittens, they often take on the role of a surrogate parent, providing them with warmth, protection, grooming, and even attempting to nurse them, although the kittens' mom is around.

However, some female cats have strong maternal instincts, and when they come across helpless kittens, they may feel compelled to care for them as if they were their own.

As you can see in the other videos, Athena spends more time in there with the kittens than the kitten's actual mom.

Apparently, the presence of kittens can trigger hormonal changes in female cats, encouraging them to display maternal behavior.

Sweet Athena just wants to have her own kittens.

As you may know, cats are naturally nurturing animals, and they may instinctively want to care for and protect vulnerable creatures, such as kittens.

Athena is just helping out while their mom is having some well-needed alone time to do cat things, such as self-grooming or catching a laser beam.

This behavior makes total sense since cats in the wild often live in social groups and help care for each other's offspring.

It's adorable!

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