Kitten’s Reaction To Eating Wet Food for the First Time Is Priceless

As a cat owner, you may know that every cat breed has distinguished differences not only in appearance but also in temperament and personality. Black cats, in particular, are known to be quite vocal while expressing how they feel.

The owners of the cat duo Leo and Loki shared such a moment in a video posted on October 10 when they fed their kitten Loki wet food for the first time, and it's the cutest!

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How adorable is this?

It's like he's having a conversation with his food.

After a few bites, you might hear your kitten let out contented sighs of satisfaction, such as a purr while they eat, and some kittens may let out small meowing sounds of joy or anticipation, such as Loki.

It's as if he were saying, "This is delicious!"

Or as some TikTokers said, "It's saying 'good soup' in kitty language.

Indeed true.

This little fella is so excited about the wet food, he can't contain himself.

It almost sounds like he's saying, "Yum, yum, yum."

I get it; my black cat is also obsessed with wet food and wouldn't touch dry food if I'd feed him just that. It has to be mixed with the wet food.

The combination of these sounds, along with their wide-eyed enthusiasm, can make the experience of a kitten eating wet food for the first time absolutely adorable and heartwarming.

It's no surprise that many cat owners can't resist recording these moments to cherish and share with others, and we are all here for it!

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