Fireman's DIY Emergency Bag for Cats Is So Easy to Recreate

When the worst is happening, you don't want to be unprepared. Even having a small game plan in mind can help during an emergency. This is exactly the reason why we absolutely love the DIY emergency bag that one woman's fireman boyfriend made for their cats. Thank goodness she's since made an in-depth video of his best ideas so that we can all take some serious notes.

Ash and her boyfriend take emergencies seriously. So of course they're going to have the best go-bag for their kitties just in case their house ever caught fire.

As Ash explained in her video, her boyfriend's first brilliant idea was to get them a two-tiered cat carrier that doubles as a backpack.

"We can just carry it on our back and get out of the house," she explained.

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In each section of the backpack, the cat parents made sure to place a blanket that already has her cat's scents on them. They also added a toy mouse in each section that her cats have played with in the past "so it's not totally scary when they get into it."

The couple made sure to stash two emergency bowls, water bottles filled with their food, plastic water bottles, emergency kitty liter and plastic bags in the backpack too.

They also practiced getting their cats in and our of their carrier, which will come in handy should a real emergency ever happen.

People in the comments section loved her boyfriend's proactive planning. "As a cat owner with severe anxiety around my cats - this would mean the world to mean if my partner did this. Wife him up!" one commenter joked. "Can he make one for seven cats, a dog, a chinchilla and a rabbit? Most of the cats can be with each other," someone else teased. "Omg these need to be on the market!!!" someone else gushed.

List of Emergency Essentials for Pets

Other commenters chimed in with good ideas of other essentials that can help in an emergency too. Things like testing your smoke alarms so you can keep tabs of where your cats hide will help you when the real thing happens. Pack a leash or harness in case there isn't a litter box nearby and the cats have to use "the great outdoors." A third person recommended using some puppy pads too for easy clean up. And having copies of their documents will also come in handy if the couple needs to get out of the house quickly.

There's no telling what will happen during an emergency. So we're sure that Ash is thankful that her boyfriend has thought ahead.

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