How to Deep Clean Your Remote Control

Remote controls help us manage various electronics around our homes, from gaming controllers to controls for TVs, ceiling fans, and other household gadgets. However, they're often overlooked when it comes to cleaning, leading to a buildup of dirt, grime, and germs. Consistent cleaning helps your remote maintain its functionality and ensures that you're not spreading harmful bacteria between users and other surfaces. Learn the best way to keep these high-touch objects in good shape with these basic cleaning tips.

How do you know if you need to clean the inside of your remote control?

There are a few tell-tale signs that your remote is dirty on the inside:

  • The buttons are sticky or unresponsive buttons

  • You can see dirt, grime, oils, and other signs of use on the exterior of the remote.

  • It hasn't been cleaned in a few months. (Do you remember when you cleaned it last?)

You Will Need

  • Isopropyl alcohol or disinfectant wipes

  • Cotton swabs

  • Toothpicks

  • Microfiber cloth or soft lint-free cloth

Cleaning Your Remote in 6 Steps

The quickest way to clean the entire remote's exterior is to use a cleaning wipe and wipe all sides. You can also use an air canister of compressed air to remove dust and particles. But it should be thoroughly cleaned at least monthly or more often as needed. Here is how to get it extra clean.

  1. Remove the batteries. Start by removing the batteries from the remote control to prevent any accidental activation during the cleaning process.

  2. Clean the exterior. Wipe down the external surface of the remote with a disinfectant wipe or a cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol. Pay attention to areas where dirt and grime tend to accumulate, such as around the buttons surfaces and edges.

  3. Open the remote carefully (if possible). Some remote controls can be opened for deeper cleaning. Some snap apart easily. If yours has screws or clips holding it together, carefully open the casing using a small screwdriver or pry tool. Take note of the placement of screws or clips to ensure easy reassembly later.

  4. Clean the interior. Use a dry cotton swab to remove any visible dust or debris from inside the remote. Then, dampen another cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and gently wipe the circuit board and other internal components. Avoid excessive moisture on the electrical components to prevent damage.

  5. Clean rubber buttons (if applicable). If your remote control has rubber buttons, remove them carefully from the casing. Wipe each button with a disinfectant wipe or a damp cloth soaked in soapy warm water. Ensure they are completely dry before reassembly.

  6. Reassemble the remote. Once all components are clean and dry, carefully reassemble the remote control. Make sure everything fits back into place securely to avoid any issues with functionality.

Opening your remove can reveal dust and dirt affecting your buttons.<p>Emily Fazio</p>
Opening your remove can reveal dust and dirt affecting your buttons.

Emily Fazio


Why are some buttons on my remote not working?

Sticky or unresponsive buttons are often caused by dirt, dust, or food residues obstructing the remote control battery contacts beneath the buttons. Cleaning the interior of the remote control should resolve this issue in most cases.

I spilled a drink on my television remote. Is it ruined?

Spilling a drink on your remote doesn't necessarily ruin it, work quickly to prevent damage. First, remove the batteries. Then, use a disposable cloth or paper towel to wipe off excess liquid. Shake it gently to remove any liquid stuck inside, paying special attention to the battery compartment. Then, let it air dry for 24-48 hours. silica gel to absorb moisture. Once it has had a chance to dry, clean it. If it still doesn't work, there may be internal damage.

Related: How to Clean a Video Game Controller

Can you fix a sticky remote control button?

Yes, sticky buttons can usually be fixed by cleaning them with a damp cloth or disinfectant wipe. You might also need to take the remote apart and gently wipe down the remote control battery contacts. If it got liquid inside, it might be sticky in there.

How often should I clean the remote control?

Aim for once a month, or anytime someone is sick, or anytime it gets sticky, oily, or dirty. Your cleaning routine doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.