How to Clean a Video Game Controller

Something we're all reminded of during cold and flu season is that our hands are dirty. Sweat and natural oils, dirt and dust, all that grime we pick up from who knows where, it all gets rubbed all over all of your electronic devices. Add in the snacks and drinks and dust and pet hair that float around your gaming consoles, and you don't need much of an imagination to grasp what your controller must look like up close.

Lucky for you, it's an easy item to clean. Better for you, keeping your controller clean to prevent build-up can up your performance by making those reaction times just a little bit faster.

Basic Cleaning

  1. Power Down and Disconnect: First things first, turn off your controller and unplug it or remove any batteries. This is for safety and prevents accidental button presses.

  2. Wipe It Down: Grab a soft, dry microfiber cloth or a paper towel to gently wipe the entire controller surface in a circular motion. This removes dust, fingerprints, and light grime.

  3. Target the Tight Spots: For nooks and crannies around buttons and joysticks, use an alcohol wipe or a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol (70%). Avoid getting moisture near openings like the battery compartment or ports.

  4. Compressed Air Blast: For stubborn dust lodged deep within crevices, compressed air can be your friend. Just give it a short burst without holding it too close, as high-pressure air can damage delicate components.

  5. Finishing Touches: Let the controller air dry completely before plugging it back in or reinserting batteries.

Deep Cleaning

For heavily soiled controllers or those needing a more thorough refresh, consider a deeper clean.

  1. Disassemble (Optional): Some controllers, like the Xbox One, allow for easy disassembly. Use a screwdriver to remove the backplate and access the internals. Be mindful of any delicate clips or wires.

  2. Soak the Soft Parts: Remove any removable rubber grips or buttons and soak them in warm soapy water for about 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and let them air dry completely.

  3. Scrub the Shell: For the controller shell, use a soft toothbrush dipped in a mild dish soap solution. Gently scrub away dirt and grime, focusing on areas like the grips and around buttons. Rinse with a clean damp cloth and dry thoroughly with a microfiber towel.

  4. Clean the Internals (Optional): If you disassembled the controller, use a dry toothpick to gently scrape out crevices. You can blow through a plastic straw to help remove dislodged dust or debris from the circuit board and buttons. Avoid using excessive liquid or touching sensitive components.

  5. Reassemble and Enjoy: Once everything is dry, reassemble and enjoy!

Note: Dirt doesn't stop at the controllers. It's a good idea to give your console, speaker grills, the game cartridge, and all those gaming peripherals (i.e. keyboard, headset, mouse, gamepad) a quick wipe down. Again, they are magnets for dirt.

How Often Should You Clean Your Gaming Controllers?

Keeping your gaming controllers clean is crucial for both hygiene and optimal performance, but how often should you scrub them? It depends on a few factors. Daily players should aim for a weekly cleaning, while occasional warriors can get away with a monthly refresh. But sweatiness is a factor too - if your hands get slick during intense sessions, bump that up to every 2-3 days. Dusty environments or smoky surroundings call for more frequent cleaning, maybe every other day. Ultimately, trust your eyes and thumbs. Visible grime, sticky buttons, or sluggish responses are all cries for a cleaning intervention. So, here's a quick cheat sheet:

  • Heavy users: Weekly scrub (think soapy water and gentle brush)

  • Moderate users: Bi-weekly TLC (an alcohol wipe and soft microfiber cloth)

  • Occasional players: Monthly refresh is enough

And remember, even a quick pre-game wipe-down can work wonders in preventing dirt build-up and prolonging the life of your controllers. Happy (and hygienic) gaming.