Dad Tries Making Lasagna With His Beagles and Total Chaos Ensues

If you enjoy cooking for your pets, chances are you let them help while you're in the kitchen. Like kids, they love to try all the ingredients, lick spoons and bowls, and stay in the way the entire time you're trying to get a meal ready. Kiki and Koko are Beagles and they love to help their dad cook. He makes them all kinds of yummy homemade meals, and in this video, lasagna is on the menu.

Dad shared the video at the end of March and claimed that it might be the most chaotic video the three have ever made. I've watched a lot of their cooking videos, and I think that dad might be right! Get ready to laugh as you watch the dogs totally overtake the entire situation!

I'm tired just watching all of that go down! Dad's attempt to make them lasagna was the definition of chaos...the man has the patience of a saint! I want his recipe - I think my dog would love it! Ingredients included oats, egg, bell pepper, beetroot, cauliflower, cheese, and beef. I bet the dogs enjoyed every last crumb!

The chaos, um I mean video, went viral and has been viewed more than 20 million times and has well over 10 thousand comments. I think @Raksha spoke for most of us when she said, "I honestly wouldn’t have the patience for this." Another commenter got almost 16 thousand likes when they said, "I love how they steal everything without permission but at the end they wait till you allow them to eat!"

Related: Dog Dad Tries To Cook With His Beagles and Pure Chaos Ensues

Homemade Treats for Your Pups

I love to cook, and we recently brought home a rescued puppy so I'm looking forward to making her homemade treats! In a previous video, Kiki and Koko's dad mentioned the name of the app that he gets his recipes from. It's called Hundeo app and not only do they have hundreds of dog recipes (all the way from baked goodies to ice creams and doggy burgers) but also dog training tutorials. With a new puppy, this is one I'm definitely going to check out!

I'll admit that I don't know if I'm patient enough to let me dog join me in the kitchen. I'm jealous of people who have patient dogs, like this one whose dad makes her gourmet pizzas fit for a queen. He also makes her these cute pawpsicles, which are easy and healthy to make and just in time for the warmer weather coming with spring and summer.

I don't know any dogs who don't like getting treats. These dog treat recipes and dog biscuits are quick to throw together, simple to make, and nutritious. Some people make their own homemade dog food, but I'm not quite ready to attempt that yet.

There are a ton of recipes and ideas out there for you to spoil your pooch. One of my favorite places to find them is on Pinterest - people share some incredibly easy and yummy sounding recipes there!

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