Baby Leopard With a Case of the Zoomies Will Make Anyone’s Day

Is there anything cuter than a baby animal with a case of the zoomies? If you ask me, there's definitely not! Mave is a leopard cub who's extremely excited to learn and explore his new world. From the looks of it in this video, he's also teething and chewing on whatever he can find.

@Xtremeexotics shared a video of Mave at the end of November 2023 with a case of the zoomies. It's the cutest thing you'll see today! He's got all kinds of pent-up energy that he decides to put to good use, and you'll love seeing him jump, hop, and skip all over his enclosure as his zookeeper mom watches and laughs at his shenanigans!

Is he not absolutely adorable?! I cannot get enough of his cuteness! From the very first leap that Mave took I was hooked! I love when he gnawed on his bed and how he continued to show off for his mom. It was like he was saying, "Look what I can do"! Since jumping is his new favorite thing to do, I can understand why he continues to do it...I just wish he'd have more room to play!

Related: Baby Snow Leopard's Tiny Yawns Are Almost Too Cute to Handle

@Xtremeexotics commenters also got a kick out of Mave's adorable zoomies. @Nate Dennis said what we were all thinking, "I just want to cuddle!! The cute aggression is real lol!!!" @LordDavid made me laugh when he said, "That has to be the cutest thing on this planet even if it will kill me LOL! I need to play with the kitty!" @sweetjoyce543 added, "It's just a normal house cat, just big in size"! @onyx2023 asked for all of us, "Can I boop the snoot?!"

Facts About Leopard Cubs

Obviously, Mave and other leopard cubs are adorable, but if you're like me you probably don't know much about them. According to National Geographic Kids, baby leopards are born with barely any visible spots, but they get them as they mature. Their mom will move them around from one place to another, until they're old enough to hunt on their own. They'll set out to start their own life around two years of age, but the cubs will always have a strong bond with mom. In fact, throughout their lives they'll even have reunions with her!

While it may seem like this little leopard cub is just like a kitty, there are some major differences between the the size they'll grow to and what they need to eat. Many people think that exotic pets make great pets, but having a leopard as a house cat isn't the best idea. Maybe get a Maine Coon cat instead if you're looking for a 'big cat'!

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