Utah Zoo Welcomes Baby Zebra Who Goes From First Steps to Zoomies in Just Days

The stork delivered a new baby zebra to Mama Poppy at the @Utah Hogle's Zoo this September's Labor Day weekend! The baby zebra was born on August 29th, and it's reported that he was almost immediately ready to check out the world!

The first part of the video shows the baby with his mom, trying to walk and get used to his long legs shortly after birth. The second part of the video shows him running in and out of his enclosure just days later, and he looks happy to be alive!

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Aren't his zoomies the cutest?! @Utah's Hogle Zoo says in its caption that this is Mama Poppy's third baby to be born at the zoo. He was a whopping 84 pounds when he was born...talk about a big baby! He was introduced to the rest of the heard earlier in September, but there's been no update about how he's doing or what his name is; I hope the zoo shares an update soon!

Commenters thought the newest zebra arrival was just the cutest. @Kiki Peach pointed out, "Look at those little legs! What a cutie!" I can hear the voice that @polina c was thinking of when she shared, "I’m just a baby"! @Icyborg added, "Look at the little guy go!" It sure looks like he was having fun!

In the caption, the zoo mentions that this will be the last "zebro" born for a few years. I wish I lived closer so that I could go see the cute little guy for myself!

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