Zoo Welcomes 4 Capybara Babies and They're Just the Cutest

There's nothing cuter than baby animals, especially brand new babies! The San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California welcomed four new baby capybaras to the herd, and they're just adorable!

The video is pretty short, and the zoo starts by asking if you're "...ready for some capy news?" It goes on to say that Bowie and Rosalina became the proud parents to four pups last month. That means mom and dad are pretty busy right now! The video is so cute; mom and dad are so attentive, and the pups are so curious!

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When born, the pups weigh only two to four pounds. Full grown, capybara are the largest rodent in the world, and weigh in at about 170 pounds. At the end of the video, the @San Diego Zoo says to follow along to watch them grow and I plan to do just that. There hasn't been an update, but I'm hoping they'll share one again soon before they're all grown up.

The video got nearly 5 million views and more than 4 thousand comments. People loved watching the capybara pups play! @Billydabobthorton asked, "So they are born as the same size of a full-grown Guinea pig?" to which the zoo replied, "Basically". @kathleen points out, "I love how capybara babies just look like tiny versions of their parents!" @Dr. Frank Kadel made me laugh with, "Needs a "HI capy-Barbie" soundtrack." @Alana Ermey is all of us when she adds, "OH MY GOD I've never seen cappy babies AND I CAN'T STAND HOW CUTE THEY ARE!"

Having a capybara as a pet is legal in some states, but owning an exotic pet isn't always easy. It can be hard to find a vet that can care for them, maintain the proper diet that they need, and of course you have to keep in mind that they're wild animals and should be treated as such.

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