Brave Cat Becomes Part of a Herd of Capybaras at Malaysian Zoo

Talk about a courageous cat! Oyen is a cat who lives at a Malaysian Zoo, but his roommates are not other cats...they're a herd of capybaras! @thatgoodnewsgirl Jenn shares the heartwarming story of how it came to be.

Oyen is a stray cat who the Zoo believes was abandoned as a kitten by his mother. Oyen found a home among the capybaras who totally accepted him as part of the herd. He's been a part of their family now for several years, and recently got his own signage at the zoo making him official!

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So what exactly is a capybara? They're actually the largest rodent in the world and are very social. They love the water and can make good exotic pets. Keep in mind that while they seem to be docile and even friendly, they're still wild animals and should be respected as such. All that being said, they're always a big hit at zoos, and now people come specifically to Zoo Negara just to see Oyen with them!

This video captivated everybody and quickly went viral. It has more than 24 million views and over 15 thousand comments. People love hearing about this unusual family! One commenter got almost 90 thousand likes for admitting what all of us were thinking, "I want to be a capybara when I grow up".

@beesinmypants wondered, "Does the zoo provide medical treatment for Oyen too?" to which Jenn replied, "I read that they do!" This is such a feel-good story! I'm so glad that Oyen found his forever family, and I hope he lives a long and happy life!

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