Adorable Great Dane Puppy's First Time Trying Broccoli Is Such a Hoot

One of the most fun parts about having a pet is witnessing the world through their eyes. Whether it's a kitten who's curious about a bird outside the window or a rescue dog feeling grass on his paws for the first time, these moments that seem mundane on the surface can be some of the most special. But not all of your pet's experiences can be a dream come true!

Luna, a precious Great Dane puppy, recently had a rude awakening when she tried broccoli for the first time. It's not exactly a surprise to hear that the green veggie wasn't her favorite, but the way she makes up her mind is just too cute. Check out the silly March 15 video!

Aww! Luna is such a tiny Great Dane, but that's going to change soon as she continues to grow. Because she's so young, she's trying lots of things for the first time, but unfortunately, they're not all a hit. I'll give her credit, though--she tried the broccoli multiple times, but it could never win her over.

Related: Black Lab’s Reaction To Trying Sparkling Water for the First Time Is LOL Funny

This puppy did learn to play with her food, though! As the dog's mom replied to a commenter, it did keep her busy for a while, so at least the experiment wasn't a total loss. And only a tiny piece of food went to waste!

Although broccoli can be a staple of a healthy diet for people, it's not a must-have ingredient when it comes to dog foods. However, it certainly doesn't hurt dogs, and it's even an excellent source of vitamins A, E, and K. But it's not the only way a dog can get their vitamins!

Which Veggies Can Dogs Eat?

Before preparing any dog-safe vegetables, make sure to wash your produce thoroughly. You can expect to cut your veggies into bite-size pieces, too, but first--you'll need to know what vegetables you can buy.

Dog-safe veggies include:




Green Beans




Brussels Sprouts




Even though the Great Dane puppy wasn't a fan of broccoli, there are plenty of other healthy snacks she can try out. As long as her owner avoids garlic and onion and adds any seasonings on the side, then there should be no concern! Luna is all set for springtime snackies--as long as they're not broccoli!

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