
Mad Frenchmen shoehorn a Ferrari V-8 into a quad bike

No, you didn't read the title wrong. The French lunatics at Lazareth, makers of the nutty V-8 Mini pickup truck, have gone even madder. They've taken an engine from a Ferrari, bolted it to a BMW M3 gearbox, and shoved it into a Wazuma R1 quad bike. The result is quite spectacular.

Named the Wazuma V8F Matt Edition, the motor is a 3.0-liter V-8 boasting 250 hp. While not the most powerful engine in the Prancing Horse's arsenal, with the whole bike weighing less than 1,433 lbs., it should be more than adequate.. It uses the injection systems from two superbikes that are electronically managed via a Sybelle system, allowing power delivery to be adjusted directly through a laptop. The six-speed sequential gearbox is controlled using handlebar buttons, and power to the pavement routes through whopping 285‐30ZR18 front tires and 315‐30ZR18 rears.

The suspension, too, is completely specific, utilizing four horizontal shocks from EMC. The rims are from Momo, and the 324mm brake discs slot between renowned Brembo calipers. What starts off as a Wazuma R1 gets entirely reworked. No performance specs are available, but the price is set to be an eye-watering $250,000. For that, you might as well buy an actual Ferrari. Although you might not have as much fun as you would wheeling this. Vive la France!