'Whisker Waters' (PC/console): A fishing adventure with lots of hooks

Just relax and go fishing: In this role-playing adventure, you are travelling as a cute, fluffy cat. The aim: to learn the art of fishing. Merge Games/dpa
Just relax and go fishing: In this role-playing adventure, you are travelling as a cute, fluffy cat. The aim: to learn the art of fishing. Merge Games/dpa

Berlin (dpa) — In console and PC game “Whisker Waters,” cute cats have made fishing their life's work. Players control the story of a young kitten and learn the art of fishing from one of the oldest cats in the village.

Before you go on your fishing adventure, you create your own cat and customise the colour of its fur and the size of its eyes and ears. The animal can also be given numerous accessories such as hats, belts or scarves.

The world of “Whisker Waters” is very much alive. You discover a number of villages on your journey, navigate through a wide variety of landscapes, whether by boat or on foot, and find new quests and challenges. And you meet lots of other cats who distribute tasks and give tips.

Fishing gameplay is the heart of the game. Instead of just throwing your rod in the water and waiting for bites, the game offers a wide range of baits and techniques to attract and catch fish. Different species of fish can also be found in different areas, be it a waterfall or the salty depths of the sea.

Each fish presents a new challenge and there’s more than one way to catch them. A lexicon for classifying the different types of fish allows players to categorise and collect them.

With a mix of mini-games, trading, and catching different types of fish, “Whisker Waters” offers a lot of variety. Although the graphics aren't among the best, the game scores with its lovingly designed cat characters.

Unfortunately, some technical problems can spoil the gaming experience. There are occasional problems with the camera work and some players have reported display errors and occasional crashes.

However, despite these weaknesses, “Whisker Waters” has nice gameplay with a relaxing atmosphere and promises some whimsical fishing lessons. The game is available for PCs and Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles for around €20/$20.

The local cats in "Whisker Waters" always need help. Merge Games/dpa
The local cats in "Whisker Waters" always need help. Merge Games/dpa
Each fish presents a new challenge and there’s more than one way to catch them. A lexicon for classifying the different types of fish allows players to categorise and collect them. Merge Games/dpa
Each fish presents a new challenge and there’s more than one way to catch them. A lexicon for classifying the different types of fish allows players to categorise and collect them. Merge Games/dpa
Houses, trees, plants, a cat with a hat - the world of "Whisker Waters" is full of small details. Merge Games/dpa
Houses, trees, plants, a cat with a hat - the world of "Whisker Waters" is full of small details. Merge Games/dpa
Fancy a belt? Your cat character can be customised. Merge Games/dpa
Fancy a belt? Your cat character can be customised. Merge Games/dpa