Beyoncé & Jay-Z Wear Their Feelings on Their Shirts

If you’re a celebrity wearing a graphic tee, you might as well be sending a tweet out into the world; the space for words is finite, but everyone’s going to pay attention. Especially if your name i s Beyoncé or Jay Z. America’s King and Queen wore sort of coordinated outfits in New York City on Monday night. His shirt was printed with the word “Peace” in English, Hebrew, and Arabic, while she paired her high-waisted jeans with a black shirt that reads “Never forget to say thank you.”

On Sunday, the two were spotted in an Instagram picture with members of Freddie Gray and Mike Brown’s family at the Rally 4 Peace concert in Maryland, so it’s not a stretch to say their messages are purposeful. And they’re not the only celebrities who’ve let their clothes do the talking.

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