
Ultra Funky Johammer J1 Electric Motorcycle

Ultra Funky Johammer J1 Electric Motorcycle

The latest entry on the eMoto menu comes from Austrian engineer Johann Hammerschmidt. The Johammer J1, claiming the title of the first production electric with a 200-mile range, features an aluminum chassis and plastic bodywork. The J1.150, with a smaller battery pack, has a reported range of 150 miles; both models have a rated top speed of 75 mph.

The bodywork has drawn mixed reviews, likened to a section of quonset hut, an art deco lobster claw, and a retro version of the Salsbury motor scooter. A few have asked if the body wasn’t installed backwards.

Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle

The battery pack is centralized below the rider, while the electric motor and controller are in the rear wheel, supported by a single-side box-section aluminum swingarm. The twin front swingarms employ hub center steering. Each end connects to a horizontal shock absorber within the chassis. The 150 weighs 350 pounds, the 200 is 390. Wheelbase is 1455mm, seat height is 650mm and the lean angle is 43-degrees. The bike is equipped with a reverse gear for ease of parking. Turning the throttle forward provides braking and regenerative battery power; the disc brakes are used for low speed braking.


The handlebars and footpegs are adjustable. The Johammer has no central instrument panel; data is displayed by LED windows in the rearview mirrors. The center of gravity is listed at 350mm, which “offers a secure feeling and very comfortable ride.” Hammerschmidt says another advantage of the design is its potential for use as a storage battery for home use. “A motorcycle like this is weather-dependent, so no vehicle is better suited for a secondary role as storage.”

The 150 lists for 22,900 euros, the 200 for 24,900. Hammerschmidt has undertaken a crowdfunding program in order to expand production. We expect that Director Cope will be on his way to Austria for a road test soon after the spring thaw.

Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle
Johammer Electric Motorcycle