Police crackdown on offenders using motorbikes to commit crime

Humberside Police has launched a new initiative to crack down on offenders who use motorbikes to commit crimes across the region.

The force said officers from the roads policing team had been given training in "advanced off-road tactics" to pursue offenders

Operation Yokohama will focus on known hotspot locations, police said.

In addition to the bikes, officers will also use stingers, a spokesperson added.

Insp John Rickells, from the force's roads policing unit, said: "Using motorbikes to evade officers often leads to dangerous situations for other road users, and that's why it is important for us to be proactive in taking these offenders off our roads.

"As part of the operation, officers have received further training which will allow them to pursue offenders on motorbikes and do all that they can to ensure prompt arrest and prevent further crime being committed."

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