Council admits it needs public help to clean streets

A council leader has admitted it is not possible to employ enough people to keep the district clean and that help from local volunteers is always needed.

Caroline Topping, from East Suffolk Council, said while "every single penny" was being invested to "maintain the beauty and cleanliness" of the district, it sometimes "can never be necessarily enough".

A new local campaign has asked for new litter picking volunteers.

“If we could, we would employ many more people... to ensure our district remains spotless at all times," said Ms Topping.

"But the reality is that this simply isn’t possible."

The new campaign, called East Suffolk's Amazing - Let's Keep It That Way, will lend out high-visibility vests, litter pickers and bags.

Debbie Bartlett, the founder of Litter Free Felixstowe, who is supporting the campaign, said she wanted everyone to "appreciate" green open spaces.

"We just want to encourage people to just make eco-friendly choices and to be planting trees rather than cutting them down and just be aware that our green spaces are so precious," Ms Bartlett explained.

"We want places to stay beautiful and we want people to take action themselves."

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