Aces of Trades: Amy Crown cherishes role in supporting businesses, economic development

COSHOCTON – She’s living her dream in the town she loves.

“I grew up in a very idyllic time in the '80s,” recalled Amy Crown. “My classmates and I had so much fun exploring Coshocton on our bikes, walking and cruising Main Street. We never locked our doors, we learned how to build meaningful relationships, how to work hard for what we dreamed of, and live a very meaningful life.”

Today, Crown is executive director of the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce.

Amy Crown is the director of the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce.
Amy Crown is the director of the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce.

“The Chamber of Commerce is the backbone of the community for advancing business success and economic development,” she explained. “We promote a partnership of business, professionals and community leaders working together to grow and prosper our Coshocton community.”

Crown was born and raised in Coshocton, is a “proud” 1988 graduate of Coshocton High School and The Ohio State University, where she majored in English and education.

“Dave Longaberger hired me immediately out of college,” she said, “and I worked the next 14 years for a rapidly growing, family-owned company. I was honored to have many once-in-a-lifetime experiences traveling with the company and was employed with the WBL KINCO group for many years, which was the extended Longaberger family company.

“Once the company started having major issues,” she added, “I left and went to work as the director of development for a larger non-profit before coming to the Chamber of Commerce. My skill set of leadership development, Franklin Covey training, relationship growth, and event planning has served me well in my current position.”

Crown became executive director of the chamber in June 2012.

“I took this position,” she said, “because I felt like this role would be fun, challenging, and offer a flexible schedule. Plus, I have a passion for our community and what the future will bring to Coshocton. I’ve lived here through the highs and lows of companies closing and high unemployment, to today where we’re hosting more new businesses than ever before, and companies work with us to help them bridge the employment gap we are facing in a rural community. I love promoting Coshocton, our wonderful chamber members, and the fun events that make Coshocton special. Every single day is different at the chamber office, yet exciting and very fulfilling.”

Ingrid Yoder is president of the board at Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce.

“Amy is instrumental in the success of the chamber,” assessed Yoder. “She seeks out and celebrates new businesses. She proactively collaborates with the various city officials and leaders and stays current with the community events so she can educate current and potential residents while properly supporting local events. Her vision and desire to be part of Coshocton’s success is why our chamber will continue to thrive and grow.”

“People say to be me all the time, ‘You know everyone,’ and I really don’t,” responded Crown. “But I love and value meeting our community members, new chamber members, people who call into our office with questions, and people who pop into our office. It keeps me young, planning new events and working with a diverse group of volunteers.

“I’ve had some incredible opportunities in my work career,” she concluded. “Now I get to utilize all those skills on a daily basis. I’ve always been a people person and I love my hometown, so honestly, I feel very blessed to be in my position. Every single day, I’m a huge cheerleader for Coshocton, our businesses, and the importance of shopping local.”

The Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce is located at 106 S. Fourth St. For more information, call 740-622-5411 or log on

Aces of Trades is a weekly series focusing on people and their jobs – whether they’re unusual jobs, fun jobs or people who take ordinary jobs and make them extraordinary. If you have a suggestion for a future profile, let us know at

This article originally appeared on Coshocton Tribune: Amy Crown supports Coshocton businesses and economic development