YouTuber Pedals Up San Diego's Steepest Streets

Throughout America and the World, there is no shortage of steep streets that have become popular for cyclists to climb. One man has made it his mission to visit these places and conquer the hills.

Watch Mitch Boyer climb the steepest streets in San Diego, California.

In this video, Boyer travels to three steep streets in San Diego and climbs them. Though San Diego does not have hills as steep as Boyer found on, say, his trip to New Zealand, they certainly pack a punch!

One of the hills Boyer climbed was named Dictionary Hill because 100 years ago, an encyclopedia salesman gave people plots of land in return for buying a set. Though the land these people received was quite steep and not ideal to build on, the thought of getting your hands on California Real Estate for the price of a book is comical to a person in 2024. Sometimes it pays to buy books I guess!

Mitch Boyer is an American YouTuber who has made a niche for himself climbing the world’s steepest streets. For example, he flew to New Zealand to attempt Baldwin St, the street that holds the world record.

Though the Guinness Book of World Records has litigated the debate over the steepest street, Boyer’s on-the-ground reporting has helped bring the information to bikers everywhere.

Related: Cyclists Race Up America's Steepest Street

It is a mystery what steep streets Boyer will find next. Generally, streets only get steep where it does not snow and snow removal is not a problem. With those parameters in place, Boyer is limited to tropical or temperate climates like the West Coast of the US.

Perhaps Mitch will finally travel to Wales and climb the street that for a couple of years held the record during the dispute with Baldwin.

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