WATCH: Lucky Surfers Share a Surf Session with Bottlenose Dolphins in California

As the new year arrived, it felt like we'd been watching an endless Shark Week. To recap, there was a multitude of shark attacks through the holidays, and then the usual feed of fascinating footage of surfers and sharks coexisting peacefully.

That was followed by an abundance of whale action, including a huge gray whale cruising by surfers in San Diego, the baby humpback that lost without its mother in Hawaii, and the killer whale footage shot by pro skimboarder, Blair Conklin.

Now it's dolphins. Earlier this month we saw them catching waves at Snapper Rocks and swimming through waves lit up with glowing blue algae. In the video below, they're sharing the lineup with surfers.

The footage is the latest from San Diego-based ocean photographer and shark advocate, Scott Fairchild.

Fairchild captioned the clip above:

"Pod of dolphins just playing in the waves, amongst surfers, doing their thing.

"In San Diego, if you spend the day at the beach, you’ll most likely see dolphins."

In the clip, a couple of surfers share space with a pod of bottlenose dolphins in bright turquoise, but cloudy water in San Diego.

Fairchild zooms in at times, offering a clear and close-up look at the dolphins.

Fairchild enjoys sharing fun facts about the animals he captures, like the one below:

"Did you know: Bottlenose dolphins can live at least 40 years, with some females outliving males at 60 years or more. Females are pregnant for about 12 months and give birth every 3 to 6 years. Once born, they generally stay with their mothers for 3 to 6 years."


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