Watch: This New Edit Highlights Big Barrelling Surf in the Canary Islands

Australian surf cinematographer and YouTuber Tim  Bonython is enamored with the world's biggest and gnarliest waves.

While he does visit some common big wave spots like Nazaré and Teahupo'o, Bonython usually carves out his own path on his hunt for big waves.

He chases scary surf to Ireland, sneaks off to film massive waves in Morocco, regularly braves Shipstern Bluff in Tasmania, and still has secret spots in Australia. In his latest edit below, Bonython reveals his latest muse in the Canary Islands.

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The newest release by Bonython, called, Wind & Water Lanzarote - Part 1, is captioned:

"This is my third visit to this magical island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.

"It's wind-blown, arid volcanic landscape with some fabulous local surfers surfing some very shallow reefs that at times can be very big.

"Enjoy Part 1. Featuring local lady Laura Coviella."

At almost four minutes in, Bonython speaks with Coviella, a hard-charging surfer hailing from Tenerife.

Coviella describes the waves as super fast, super dangerous, really shallow, and a good place to wear a helmet.

The area, she says, is a "sick" place to train because it has every kind of wave, from big barrels and heavy slabs to small beachbreaks. They've got it all.

But she adds that while it's one of the last places that's not super crowded and they have waves "Every day of the year."

But don't book a trip yet.

Coviella's clear: "The locals here are a little bit...It's hard to catch waves here."

Point taken.


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