Big Wave Surfers Brave Cold Water and Huge Slabs at Tasmania's Shipstern Bluff (Watch)

The last time we heard from surf cinematographer Tim Bonython, he was redefining wipeouts in his Terror Vault series, which features some of the gnarliest waves gone wrong ever.

A few days ago, Danny Griffiths' nightmare fall at Tasmania's Shipsterns Bluff was nominated for Wipeout of the Year.

And a few days ago, Bonython released his own edit from a recent trip to Shipsterns during a swell big enough to make the wave come alive.

The video above is captioned:

"The winter down here in Australia in the southern hemisphere has been pretty slow. So when I saw a big enough swell with right winds heading to Shipsterns I rallied up a team. Including 12-year-old brothers Loci & Ballin Cullen both coming from my village of Avalon. And bodysurfers Corey Sainsbury & Caitlin OCallahan. How it all pans out created a very adventurous trip. Enjoy."

At the top of the video, one of the brothers says:

"If it's not too big and too gnarly I'll go out. It's gonna be cold, and I'm frothing I'm so excited, it's gonna be sick!"

His brother was psyching hard too and says:

"Hopefully, it's not too big I can catch a little one."

The water's freezing, the slabs are huge, and these boys are brave.

So is everyone who charges this Tasmanian monster wave.

In June, Aussie big-wave surfer Dylan Longbottom took a gnarly wipeout at the nightmare slab and ended up hospitalized. And around the same time, Nathan Florence survived a "10-foot mutant slab" at the nightmare slab.


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