Watch Ben Gravy Have a Ton of Fun Surfing at Home in New Jersey

Soft-top connoisseur and novelty wave surfer Ben Gravy has been scoring fun surf at home in New Jersey since returning from his "7 Seas in 7 Days" tour.

During the trip, Gravy traveled to Japan, Bali, Australia, Texas, New Jersey, and Norway.

He surfed the North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Arctic Ocean.

In his latest vlog above, Gravy's back home in New Jersey scoring more fun waves after surfing the East Coast's Thanksgiving swell last week.

"Hasn't Been Like THIS Since the '70s.

"Being at home in New Jersey has been a real treat! The surf has been super fun & even after the overhyped Thanksgiving swell we've been receiving some beautiful sneaker swells that have produced countless barrels up & down the beach!

"Thanks so much for all of the love & support on my journey, stoked for the big trip to Hawaii coming up! FOR THE DREAM! - Ben"

Press play above for more adventures with Gravy.

As usual, his viewers were stoked on the vlog. Check out a few comments below:

"Looks like Ventura a week ago - but maybe better! Love watching you guys score in such uncrowded spots!"

"I live in New Hampshire I'm from Cali. Ben's love for surfing is a blessing wherever his travels lead him. Thanks BG"

One of them even challenged him to surf the North Shore, writing:

"Happy birthday Ben. Keep boogyin on those barrels. Sunset pipe barrels are calling you"

That'd be fun to watch.


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