UCI Previews Enduro and Downhill Race Seasons

We are less than a week away from the first gravity round of the Whoop UCI MTB World Series, when the downhill World Cup will return to the iconic destination of Fort William.

Ahead of the long-awaited season, the UCI released a preview with Ric McLaughlin and Josh Carlson below.

Riders are already practicing the track at Fort William for Sunday’s race and the stoke is high. After an exciting first block of cross-country races, the downhill races will not want to be outdone.

Ric and Josh spent the video discussing their predictions for the rest of the season of downhill and enduro racing.

It will certainly be a weird year for the World Cup. There is a lot of uncertainty around the future of Enduro. Despite the ambiguity, the fastest enduro pros will give it their all in what will surely be an exciting race season.

Additionally, fans may struggle with the World Cup downhill broadcast being behind a paywall. For a complete guide to watching the World Cup, see BIKE’s helpful guide below.

Related: How To Watch UCI Mountain Bike Racing In 2024

Despite these hurdles, World Cup racing is a fan favorite for a reason. The action always proves to be electric.

Stay tuned on BIKE’s homepage for our predictions and analysis of the Fort William World Cup.

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