I Test Cooking Tools for a Living, and This Affordable Chef’s Knife Is a Cut Above the Rest (It’s on Sale!)

<span>Credit: Erin Derby</span> <span class="copyright">Credit: Erin Derby</span>
Credit: Erin Derby Credit: Erin Derby

When it comes to outfitting your kitchen, a good chef’s knife is the first thing you’ll want to look for — especially if the knives you’re currently working with are less than stellar. In fact, while garlic crushers and mandolines are great, a sharp, high-quality chef’s knife is really the only meal prep tool you need. That’s because chef’s knives are super versatile, and a good one can take the place of an entire knife block (though you’ll probably want to snag a paring knife and a bread knife to make your life a little easier). Over the years, I’ve had the chance to test a bunch of blades — both good and bad — so when I find a new knife that I like, it’s a big deal. I recently tried out the Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef Knife from the internet-famous knife-sharpening company that we love for keeping our blades wicked sharp, and I’m a big fan.

Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef's Knife
Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef's Knife

Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef's Knife

$73.50 (was $98) at Tumbler

What Is the Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef Knife?

This relatively affordable chef’s knife (especially right now, while it’s on sale!) is a sleek, chic chopping machine. Made from top-tier German steel and designed for “seamless resharpening” with the Tumbler knife sharpening system (which I’ve used for a while now), this knife is easy on the eyes and the hands, thanks to its ergonomically designed handle that offers solid balance and control when in use. With a fun orange hue and a perfect five-star rating on the site, it’s easy to see why shoppers are stoked.

Onion sliced with Tumbler chef's knife.
Credit: Ian Burke Credit: Ian Burke

Why I Love the Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef Knife

As far as chef’s knives go, I’m looking for a few things. First and foremost, they have to perform. I’ve put away a few bags of onions with ease so far, and last night I trimmed the fat off some center-cut pork chops and had no problems. The blade comes supersharp out of the box, and the angle of the tip is such that it makes precision cuts like boning out a chicken a breeze. The next thing I look for in a knife is how it feels in the hand while you work, since even the best-performing knife can be a huge drag if it tears up your hands or feels slippery when you grip it. With the Tumbler chef’s knife, I didn’t have to worry about those problems, since the grip is totally solid and the tapered bolster lets me choke up on the blade when I’m in need of a little more control. My last metric for chef knife greatness is how it looks. While not as important as the first two, I have so many knives from years of testing kitchen tools that if a chef’s knife doesn’t look awesome, I probably won’t add it to my collection. That being said, the Tumbler chef’s knife looks great, in my opinion, and the fun orange color really pops on my magnetic wall strip. (If you’re going for a muted kitchen aesthetic, though, this might not be the blade for you.)

So whether you’re in the market for your first chef’s knife, looking to upgrade your existing blade, or hoping to add to your extensive collection, you really can’t go wrong with the Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef Knife. It’s high-quality, extremely aesthetic, and very affordable — especially while it’s still on sale! 

Buy: Tumbler Signature 8-Inch Chef Knife, $73.50 (normally $98)