SNAP! — Bakersfield Sikh Women's Association 5K Walk/Run

The Bakersfield Sikh Women's Association third annual 5K Walk/Run, with a theme of "Color Your Own Future," was held April 21 at The Park at River Walk.

"In Sikhism, the concept of creating one's future is intricately woven into the fabric of our faith, emphasizing the importance of self-determination and righteous action. Sikhs believe in the principle of 'hukam,' the divine will or order, which guides our actions and decisions while also empowering individuals to shape their destiny through their deeds," the association's website states.

"Through diligent work, compassion and devotion to service, Sikhs strive to craft a future that aligns with the values of equality, justice and community upliftment, recognizing that our actions today lay the foundation for the world we will inherit tomorrow."

And thus, funds from the walk support scholarships for high school students, youth programs and homelessness initiatives.