If You See a Cardinal, Here's the True, Unexpected Significance of Them Appearing in Your Life

Cardinal bird

Widespread and abundant, the cherry red birds called Cardinals can be spotted throughout the United States and as far north as southeastern Canada. They are often observed adding a touch of color to anyone's day, as they stop for a snack every now and then at bird feeders. It's no wonder the Cardinal is an obvious favorite among casual observers and bird watchers, as it is listed as the official state bird for at least seven eastern states.

But a Cardinal isn't just another pretty little bird. They have been viewed as a sign of hope and a reminder that you can do hard things, because hard things do not last forever. And many believe that the Cardinal's spiritual meaning is a good omen—even indicating that someone is trying to get your attention.

Let's get into this further with animal communicator Ruthy Doolittle.

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What Does It Mean When You See a Cardinal?

Cardinal sightings have a multitude of meanings such as being a sign of hope, wisdom or blessings, or that they are angels with a divine message for you.

According to Doolittle, Cardinals are a symbol of change. "It can mean a huge shift coming in your life which can sometimes be viewed as an ending," she explains.

But an ending isn't necessarily a bad thing. As Doolittle continues, "[If] one of those appears, new opportunities will present themselves...you are being asked to trust in this process."

So, just like the old saying goes, "As one door closes, another one opens."

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Is It a Good Omen To See a Cardinal?

Besides Blue Jays and Owls being good omens to see, it is also a good omen to see a Cardinal. Seeing one may be signaling you to ask yourself if you are feeling safe and secure.

Doolittle tells Parade, "The deep crimson chest of a Cardinal connects with the red of the root chakra, as your consciousness rises, as you become more aware of the shifts and changes in your life to stay grounded in your body."

If you are feeling kind of off-kilter, grounding activities like walking barefoot on the grass or meditating will help you get your footing.

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What Does It Mean Spiritually When You See a Cardinal?

It is quite possible that if you are noticing Cardinals, then someone from the spirit world is trying to reach you.

If Cardinals are popping into your life often, especially if you do not normally see them, then it is vital that you take notice because, as claimed by Doolittle, "You are being divinely guided at this time."

Doolittle's take is one way to look at what happens when this bird visits you, but what does it mean when God sends us a Cardinal?

There is no direct language in the Bible referencing the Cardinal. However, to some, the Cardinal's vibrant color represents the blood of Jesus. Therefore, a visit from the crimson beauty is viewed as a direct message from God Himself.

What Do Red Cardinals Symbolize?

Again, Cardinals can symbolize many things. However, Doolittle tells us, "Change and transformation is coming."

And just like the bold red color of the Cardinal, a person should be "bold and truthful in expressing [themselves]."

By paying attention to what is going on around you and in your life, a person can use those signs to move forward in life positively. "Your body is your greatest intuitive tool, if you only will listen to it," Doolittle explains.

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2 Red Cardinals: Spiritual Meaning

Life gets quite interesting when you are being visited by two red Cardinals. The spiritual meaning behind seeing two of them is that you should take a closer look at your relationships.

"Two has a highly intuitive meaning, it is the most relationship-focused number," Doolittle explains.

She says that seeing the two Cardinals "encourages us to allow this creative and powerful energy force that we all have available to us, and highlights that we can have peace and balance in any situation."

If you are having troubles or struggles with any current relationship, don't give up, especially if two Cardinals appear to you. They could very well be signaling to you that balance and peace are on the horizon.

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Meaning of Red Cardinal at the Window

It is common to look out at your feeder and see the occasional Cardinal, but have you ever looked out just to have one peeking back at you?

It could be a little startling to see a bird at your window looking directly at you, but the meaning of it is quite special.

Doolittle says that if you have a red Cardinal looking in the window at you, you are being "called to look inside of you for the messages and insights you wish to receive at this time."

By grounding yourself through breathing practices or meditation, it is possible to still yourself long enough to use your own energy as an extra layer of protection from the outside world.

All you have to do, says Doolittle, is "to tap into your own energy and create boundaries around your energy and [towards those] who have access to the sanctuary of your heart and your home."

It should be noted that it is important to notice if the Cardinal at your window is looking inside at you or away from you.

If, by chance, the bird is looking away from you, then Doolittle believes that the red Cardinal has messages for you, but "you may be missing [them] by being too busy or too distracted from your spiritual self."

The biggest takeaway from a Cardinal visit is that no matter what you believe, whether it is a message from a Higher Power, or that you have a deceased family member sending you messages, slow down.

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