If You See a Hawk, Here's the True, Unexpected Significance of Them Appearing in Your Life

Hawk in flight

With their broad wingspans and sharp talons, hawks are some of the most regal birds in the skies. But beyond their powerful physical qualities, hawks hold deep spiritual meaning and symbolism in mythologies across cultures. From Native American tribes to Ancient Egyptians, the hawk has long captured the human imagination as a meaningful messenger from the divine.

Shamanic teacher and spiritual healer Dr. Jonathan Dubois has studied hawk symbolism extensively. "The hawk is a magnificent bird, soaring up on the warm air currents and rising above to gain a perspective over the whole landscape," he describes. "It delights me every time I see a hawk." Beyond just their physical traits, Dubois reveals how the hawk offers spiritual and symbolic lessons if we observe them closely.

Related: If You See a Blue Jay, Here's the True, Unexpected Significance of Them Appearing in Your Life

Is a Hawk a Good Omen?

For Dubois, hawks symbolize the ability to rise above our earthly realm and view life from a higher vantage point: "Hawks soar far above and take in the whole landscape from above. They have great eyes and are adept at spotting movements of prey."

In other words, hawks see the bigger picture that we often miss from our limited view on the ground. "As a symbol, a hawk is a reminder to see the world from thirty yards above; to see the big picture," Dubois explains. Encountering a hawk invites us to similarly elevate our perspective.

What Does the Bible Say About Hawks?

Dubois also notes the hawk's significance in biblical texts. "From a Biblical perspective, a hawk is a symbol of divine guidance and that we are being watched out for from above. It is a call to seek God’s wisdom and guidance in our lives."

God asks Job in Job 39:26, "Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom and spread its wings toward the south?"  

So within Judeo-Christian tradition, the hawk represents a watchful presence guiding us from above and urging us to tap into divine wisdom.

Maggie Wilson, author of the forthcoming book Metaphysical AF, has extensively researched animal symbolism across spiritual traditions. She notes that spotting a hawk is widely considered a favorable omen, also explaining how the Bible also says that hawks are “unfit” for eating (Leviticus 11:16).

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What Does It Mean if You See a Hawk?

Both Dubois and Wilson agree hawk sightings can be deeply significant. "Seeing a hawk denotes guardianship and power," explains Wilson. "Hawks are known as the protectors and messengers of the air."

In this way, the hawk is a call from the spiritual to open our eyes—both literally and metaphorically. Their medicine teaches us to be more observant of the subtle signs and synchronicities life is sending us each day. Hawk encounters remind us to activate our inner vision to see what we might normally miss.

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Types of Hawks and Their Symbolism

While all hawks symbolize keen sight and rising above challenges, different hawk species each carry their own meaning:

Red-Tailed Hawk

Extremely common in North America, the red-tailed hawk is often sighted soaring in circles overhead. As Wilson notes, smaller birds will attack and annoy red-tails, representing outside forces trying to hamper our ability to take flight. But the red-tail's signature crimson tail feathers help awaken our life's passion and purpose.

Cooper's Hawk

Living in woodlands, this hawk is known for agility darting between trees. Cooper's hawks teach us speed and stealth. Their presence says we must act fast and decisively on inspiration when it strikes.

Harris's Hawk

Native to the southwest US and Central America, these hawks are unique for hunting in packs. Harris's hawks symbolize teamwork, community and collaboration—sighting one encourages working alongside others to achieve goals.

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

As their name suggests, sharp-shinned hawks have very slender legs and wings for navigating dense forests. They remind us to look beyond limiting beliefs and recognize the gifts in ourselves and others.

Ancient Meanings That Still Speak to Us

Across cultures and eras, humans have told stories about the hawk to convey teachings and wisdom. Ancient Egyptian pharaohs wore hawk feathers and headdresses to symbolize Ra, the sun god, who took the form of a hawk. Hawks were believed to be mediators between gods and humans, guiding souls into the afterlife.

Various Native American tribes understood the hawk as a messenger, bringing insight, discernment and focus into our lives. Across ancestral traditions, the hawk represented clear vision, intuition and the ability to swiftly rise above any challenges or obstacles in our way.

Today, the hawk's spiritual lessons continue to hold relevance. As Dubois puts it, "The hawk is a blessing and reminder of the guidance always available if we pay attention."

Next time you spot a hawk gracing the skies, consider it a call to elevate your perspective and activate your inner sight. Their majestic presence is a reminder you have untapped inner power to chart your course and ride the wind.


  • Dr. Jonathan Dubois, Ph.D., adjunct professor at California State University-San Bernardino and Ph.D. archaeologist with a passion for art and symbolism

  • Maggie Wilson, author of the forthcoming book Metaphysical AF