Previewing The New UCI XCO Course In Brazil

The first World Cup stop of the season is underway in Mairiporã, Brazil, and at long last, we have a course preview.

Take a look at the Brazilian pain cave that riders will be screaming around all weekend in the video below.

Something feels so wrong yet so right about seeing a pump track with invitingly slapable berms on an XC track. It truly is a sign that this sport is evolving.

Weirdly enough, even as a non-XCer, this track looks like it would be a ton of fun to ride. This is maybe the first time I have looked at a cross country course and thought that.

What's more fun than riding it, though, is watching professionals race it and you will be able to do that all weekend as there are a number of XC events going down on this first stop.

Keep it tuned here for updates on the Short Track and standard XC race coverage all weekend.

Related: UCI Shares Sneak Preview Of Brazilian World Cup Course

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