Pittsburgh Zoo Wishes Their Polar Bear a Very Fitting 28th Birthday

I know plenty of people who aren't fans of their birthdays, and that's completely fair. Everyone's entitled to skipping out on the celebration if they want to, but I personally love birthdays. It's so much fun to help the birthday person feel special! It should come as no surprise that I love celebrating pets' birthdays, too, so I love what the zookeepers at the Pittsburgh Zoo did for their polar bear's 28th birthday.

Snowflake may or may not have known that it was her birthday, but she certainly enjoyed her special treat, courtesy of her caretakers. The keepers thought of the best way to help the birthday bear celebrate, too, and it doesn't get much better than that! Fortunately, they caught the fun on camera and posted it on November 29 for all of their followers to enjoy.

Happy Birthday, Snowflake! It's so cool that the @pghzoo got to celebrate with her, but it's even more special considering it's her golden birthday! A golden birthday happens only once, when you turn the age that matches the date you were born on. For example, Snowflake turned 28 on November 28!

Related: San Diego Zoo Shows Cool Video of a Day in the Life of a Polar Bear Biologist

What's the Average Polar Bear Life Span?

And if you're thinking that sounds old for a polar bear, you're not wrong. The average life expectancy for polar bears in the wild is 15-18 years, though the record for longest-living polar bear in captivity is 45 years. With enough care and love, Snowflake could definitely give that record holder a run for their money!

Little acts of kindness for zoo animals may not seem like a big deal, but every bit of enrichment an animal can get makes a difference. Like any zoo animal or wild animal, polar bears need plenty of things to play with and explore in order to keep their brains active. So in a way, Snowflake's birthday cake was both a cake and a gift!

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