Pit Bulls’ Pitiful Reactions When Mom Stops Petting Them Are Just Too Much

Not all dogs are the same; as we know, they all have their own personality traits, just like us humans. And if you've ever encountered a Pit Bull or even owned one, you know they're special!

TikToker Maddie has two pitties, and in this video, which she shared on October 23, you can see the reality of being a Pit Bull owner and what would happen if you suddenly stopped petting them. Let's check it out!

This is priceless!

Related: Austin Shelter Makes Plea to Find Forever Home for Sweet Pit Bull

Look at their faces!

When they look at each other in complete disbelief, it's hilarious!

Like they were saying to each other, "Did mom just walk away while being in the middle of petting us?"

Many dogs, regardless of breed, can display what's known as "demanding attention" behavior. When a dog enjoys being petted or receiving attention, they may show signs of disappointment or protest when the petting stops.

This sure is accurate for owning a Pit Bull.

My Pit Bull acts the same way if I stop petting him for one second! He'd look all confused as if he were saying, "How dare you?"

This behavior is often characterized by nudging, whining, or using other attention-seeking tactics.

Mine would also give his paw out to let me know he needs my devoted attention.

However, it's important to note that these reactions are not exclusive to Pit Bulls; they are seen in many dog breeds. Dogs are social animals and often crave human interaction and affection. So when they enjoy a particular activity, such as being petted, they might communicate their desire for it to continue.

While this may be true, as a Pit Bull owner, I can vouch that pitties are quite needy and want all the attention and, of course, food and dog treats at any given hour.

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