Pet Pig Has the Cutest Toddler-Style Tantrum After Being Caught Misbehaving

Owning pets is sometimes like having little kids running around. Whether that's a cat, dog, or pig, it never gets boring having them around.

TikToker Mina Alali, who owns a pet pig named Merlin, among other pets, can relate and shared this video, posted on November 23, of Merlin having a meltdown. Let's find out more!

Those screams!

Related: Pet Pig’s Jealousy Over New Cow Sibling Is Just Like a Little Human

Pigs can be quite vocal, and when upset, they may produce loud squeals or oinks to express their frustration.

He sounds like a toddler who lost his favorite toy.

According to Mina, Merlin knocked over a crate of apples before her boyfriend caught him, and that's when Merlin threw a fit, being all upset.

As if Merlin were saying, "That's my apple!"

He didn't want to let go!

Since pigs are often described as intelligent and emotionally expressive animals, their behavior can sometimes be interpreted as dramatic or stubborn, especially when they know they misbehave, just like Merlin here.

He might just be a bit dramatic here, but can we blame him?

He just wanted to enjoy an apple—the sixth apple, to be exact—without being interrupted. But that didn't go as planned, as we can see.

Since Mina and her boyfriend don't reward bad behavior, poor Merlin is put in time-out now to think about his mischievous antics.

Meanwhile, Moo, their pet cow, looks innocent and surprised.

Maybe Merlin acts out because Moo was recently adopted and Merlin is afraid he won't get all the attention, just like human siblings would act.

We feel for poor Merlin.

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