National Geographic Shows How They Use Technology to Get Up Close and Personal With Animals in the Wild

Talk about a cool job! Jen Guyton is a wildlife photographer for @National Geographic, and they shared a video of her on Wednesday, December 20th on Facebook of how she was able to photograph one of their Pictures of the Year 2023.

Jen was Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, and her mission was to photograph hyenas. But how was she supposed to get close to them? Nat Geo's photo engineering department got creative and made her a remote-controlled robot to do the job. Using the remote Jen was able to steer the robot where she wanted it to go, as well as control the video and cameras from afar. The footage and photos she was able to capture were just incredible!

Wow! @Nat Geo was able to share amazing glimpses into the life of a pack of hyenas. Jen said that this new technology made her and the crew feel like they were "immersed in hyena society". She goes on to explain what an important part hyenas play in their environments, and that they have gotten a bad rap. @Jill Langhof agreed, "I think they’re amazing beings. They’ve adapted to what they do to survive to perfection."

Jen says that the hyenas weren't afraid of the cameras, they were just very curious. I think that's good because she got some very cool close ups of them checking out the camera! Her photo of 2023 was just perfection, and made the hyenas look "majestic" instead of gross.

Related: National Geographic Shares 30 Seconds of Baby Elephants and It’s Brightening Everybody’s Day

When Animals Discover the Camera

I love when animals notice a camera, and either know what to do when they see it or try to figure out what it is. These two Emperor penguins found a hidden camera in Antarctica, and the result was an epic selfie. This baby bear seems to have waved to the camera, while this rescued cow loves to pose for the camera...she's a super model in the making!

This Yukon wildlife camera captured animals coming down a trail, watch as some of the animals stop to check out the camera. And this hidden camera caught a polar bear prepping for winter.

But I have two favorites that I could watch all day long. A Tahoe resident set up a trail cam and captured two baby bears play fighting. They're beyond adorable! And this hidden camera caught the cutest thing you'll ever see - two bear cubs loving up on each other. They're so sweet!

Nat Geo always shares the coolest animal videos and photos...I can't wait to see what they share next!

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