Mama Owl Caring for Her Babies Has People in Their Feelings

Every once in a while, a video comes along that just floors you with how utterly breathtaking nature is, and this video comes courtesy of National Geographic Australia who shared the following clip to their TikTok page on August 28 of a great grey owl tending to her babies.

Watch the following, it's just gorgeous.

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Posted by the TikTok account for @Ausgeo, the footage taken by wildlife photographer Nathan Clark has everyone all up in their feelings.

@Leena comments, "This just gave me the most peaceful feeling. Beautiful owls!" @Angel adds, "I must have watched that three times. Just exquisite." @Badboy replies, "Nature at its most beautiful." @Ann responds, "Oh, she 's just so lovely with her babies!"

Great gray owls are one of the largest owl species in the world. They have a huge wingspan that can exceed 5 feet, and considering mama great gray owls keep the babies safe under her wings to make sure they are warm it's a good thing they are so big!

Great gray owl mamas are known to be defensive when other predators approach their chicks, and they use distraction and aggressive displays to ward of anyone looking to cause trouble.

Both mom and dad great gray owls work together to feed the baby owlets, and both parents take turns bringing food to the nest. Mainly rodents which they chew up and regurgitate for the babies.

Owls are such stunning and fascinating creatures. It's amazing how these babies are almost camouflaged against their mom. We will never get tired of seeing all the beauty that wild animals have to offer!

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