Libra May 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Bella Geraci/Allure

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Libra personality profile.

Welcome to May, Libra. This month reminds you that, as a sign ruled by gorgeous Venus, you deserve to feel pretty. During April, an eclipse graced the sky, bringing just a bit of stress and encouraging you to log off social media. While there are no such tumultuous cosmic events this month, remember that giving yourself permission to log off continues to be a bold act of rebellion in this day and age.

The stars continue to advocate self-care on Thursday, May 2, when transformative Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius and your 5th House of Pleasure. This transit encourages you to make yourself feel good in new ways. When was the last time you got a massage, Libra? If you don't like other people touching you, perhaps opt for a lovely face mask. And if you're looking for another excuse to treat yourself to a new sex toy, remember that orgasms are God's Ambien and can help you fall asleep.

There's a new moon in luxurious Taurus on Tuesday, May 7. This lunar event, which marks new beginnings, sets the perfect stage for personal reinvention. Consider exploring new aesthetic options, like experimenting with different hair colors or cuts. You don't have to change your whole look, but it's a lovely reminder that you're allowed to be as delightfully vain as you like.

On Tuesday, May 14, Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, begins its retrograde motion in Capricorn, influencing your 4th House of Home and Family. Ceres' retrograde invites you to focus on making your living space more comforting and cozy. It’s a period for enhancing your domestic environment, turning it into a sanctuary that reflects the nurturing and motherly qualities of Ceres. Think soft throw pillows, warm lighting, and perhaps a new reading nook.

Messenger Mercury moves into Taurus and revisits your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation on Wednesday, May 15. This transit calls for a moment of introspection. Use your air sign analytical skills to assess whether you are truly on the path to achieving your dreams. If the way forward isn't clear, it might be time to seek solitude to reflect and regather your thoughts, ensuring that your next steps are aligned with your deepest aspirations.

The sun’s entry into Gemini on Monday, May 20, marks the beginning of fellow air sign and intellectual Gemini season, creating a philosophical vibe. The weeks that follow are filled with adventurous energy, prompting you to explore new ideas or activities that previously seemed beyond your reach. You can do anything you want, darling Libra. What do you dream about but worry is out of reach? Your Gemini season assignment is to go ahead and make it happen.

The final week of the month could see you getting ahead in whatever area of your life brings you the most satisfaction.

A full moon in brazen Sagittarius occurs on Thursday, May 23, which won't cause eclipse-level stress but still is probably best spent taking it easy. This lunar event suggests a quieter day might be beneficial, so set a reminder to rest and relax. As full moons also denote manifestation, you might receive some good news, but the full moon's energy could also leave you feeling drained. It’s perfectly okay to take a break and recharge. Sometimes, being a bit lazy is exactly what you need. On the same day, Venus, your lovely ruling planet, enters Gemini, encouraging you to use this lunation to enjoy beauty routines. It's a night for painting your nails or soaking in the bath; avoid anything that might stress you out.

And, finally, May begins to wrap up when expansive Jupiter moves into your 10th House of Social Status on Saturday, May 25, indicating that the final week of the month could continue to see you getting ahead in whatever area of your life brings you the most satisfaction. Enjoy the success, Libra, and we'll see you in June.

Important dates in May 2024:

Thursday, May 2: Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius
Tuesday, May 7: New moon in Taurus
Tuesday, May 14: Ceres goes retrograde in Capricorn
Wednesday, May 15: Mercury enters Taurus
Thursday, May 16: Pallas retrograde enters Scorpio
Monday, May 20: Sun enters Gemini
Thursday, May 23: Full moon in Sagittarius
Thursday, May 23: Venus enters Gemini

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of May 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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