Labrador Left ‘Stranded’ and Alone ‘Explains’ How He Survived the Ordeal

Do you have a dramatic pup? Jimmy's Black Labrador named Clarence definitely fits the bill for having a flair for the dramatic, especially when it comes to his story telling. Clarence shared his side of the story about the time his dad left him 'stranded' in the attic with no food or water.

Clarence explains that his neglectful father had to take a work call, and since Clarence enjoys barking, he had to be put somewhere so dad's call could go on without Clarence being heard. Dad put Clarence upstairs, with a baby gate closing off the stairs...Clarence calls it the attic. In order to avoid starvation, Clarence took matters into his own hands, er, paws. Listen in as he tells the rest of his harrowing ordeal.

This just got more and more funny! Do you see what I mean about Clarence being dramatic? He does tell a good story though! Commenters also got a kick out of the story. @Lou Ann Meneses shouted, "PETA???? Are you watching?!?!" @Heyhihello said, "That attic looked horrifying. You did what you needed to in order to survive." and @elleelle6 added, "You're a survivor, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!" I laughed at @Fraden72's comment, "Cue Sarah McLachlan."

Related: Dog Hilariously Recounts How He Disrupted His Family’s Turkey Day

Funny Talking Dogs

Clarence shares all kinds of his shenanigans with us, and they are always very funny. I love the way he (I think his dad Jimmy has something to do with it!) tells stories in such a way that you feel like you were a part of it. There are several other funny talking dogs that I enjoy watching, so I thought I'd share a few.

Hammy is one of my favorite dogs on the internet. He's an adorable and very dramatic Corgi who definitely is the boss in his house. He is highly opinionated and has no problem telling his dad exactly what he thinks. One time his dad pet another dog and Hammy was not happy about it! His reaction was the best!

Sapphie the Pomsky is another dog that talks...but not in the way you might think. She 'talks' by pushing buttons to help her convey what she wants to say. It's pretty cool to watch!

Teddy is another favorite of mine. He doesn't talk, but he's an internet celebrity that has an ongoing prank war with his dad and watching them one-up each other with the level of creativity when it comes to pranks always makes me smile.

And of course, I can't get enough of chatty Huskies and vocal French Bulldogs who might not speak in words, but that do a whole lot of talking. Our puppy is a quiet one and rarely barks so while I enjoy watching all of these dogs online, I'm not sure I'd want one at home!

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