Kind Man Rescues Tiny Kitten He Found on a Walk and Everyone’s in Love

Apparently, the puppy and kitten distribution systems work in mysterious ways. And while some people don't find any, others find a lot.

TikToker Chris James is one of those lucky people who has come across a few stray kittens in the past and has rescued them all. And as he shared in this video, posted on November 21, he found yet another stray kitten, which he had to take home. Let's find out more!

Aw, look at this fur ball!

Related: Tiny Kitten Who Reminds Everyone of a Human Baby Is Capturing Hearts

On a cold afternoon, Chris, a compassionate soul with a soft spot for animals, decided to take a leisurely walk through his charming neighborhood. A faint and desperate meowing caught his attention as he meandered along, soaking in the sights and sounds.

Intrigued and concerned, Chris followed the sound and discovered a tiny, shivering kitten tucked away in a corner, seemingly abandoned.

There is just something so unique about this one!

Without a moment's hesitation, Chris approached the scared little furball and gently scooped it up into his hands, feeling an immediate connection with the vulnerable creature.

Unable to leave the abandoned kitten alone, Chris decided to carefully place it in a crate with a soft blanket and bring the kitten home to surprise his girlfriend.

Once he got home, he fed the kitten with a syringe and gave it a lot of tender, loving care.

And now this little bundle of joy is safe and sound, and perhaps up for adoption.

Thank goodness for people like Chris and his girlfriend, who rescued many stray animals and helped them get strong and healthy!

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