Impressive Facts About Bald Eagles Prove How Massive They Really Are

Bald Eagles are beautiful, majestic, (and even a little intimidating looking) apex predators that leave many of us in awe once we've seen them up close. If you've ever seen when soaring through the air you know that they're very big birds, but just how big are they really? shared a video Thursday, March 28th explaining just how massive these birds really are. When I say massive, I mean massive...they can grow to almost four feet long from head to tail! Watch on to learn eagles' measurements, and whether the males or females are larger - the answer might surprise you.

Did you know that Bald Eagles are really that big? On average, an eagle's wingspan is anywhere from 5 to 8 feet wide. Their wingspan alone can be wider than most humans are tall, not to mention that they only weigh up to 12 pounds. All of those feathers must make them look much bigger! got thousands of views on this video, but not many comments. @lucidius shared, "I used to think Bald eagles were big. Then one day I saw a Golden eagle dragging a deer carcass through a clearing. Those things are huge."

Related: ‘Power Couple’ Eagle Parents Welcome 3 Tiny Babies Into Their Nest

Bald Eagle Facts

Big birds require big nests, especially when they have babies to tend to in it. Their nests are the biggest built by any other bird and are built by both the male and female. The couple will use the same nest year after year during mating season. Eagles mate for life, and both parents incubate the eggs (it takes about 34 days). When the babies are born, both parents care for and feed the babies.

According to BirdFact, "A typical Bald eagle nest measures 4 to 5feet and 2 to 4 feet deep. A Bald eagle nest currently holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest nest ever recorded. Found in St. Petersburg, Florida, the nest measured 9.5 feet and 20 feet deep! It was examined in 1963 and was estimated to weigh almost 3 tons."

Eagle parents are both fiercely protective of their babies and are on constant watch for predators looking to make them their next meal. While predators of the adult eagles consist of golden eagles, great horned owls, and other raptors, several smaller predators are interested in eagle eggs and eaglets. These include a variety of birds like magpies and ravens and crows, as well as raccoons, bobcats, black bears, and foxes.

Another interesting fact from a Pet Helpful article, "Eagles can sit on the water using their wings as oars to hunt for fish. Some have drowned on occasions where their prey weighs too much."

I was blown away not only by how big these eagles are, but also by how big their nests are! I've seen an eagle close up at an animal rehabilitation center but hope to see a nest up close one of these days as well.

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