Huh? Here’s What ‘DW’ Means in a Text

What Does DW Mean?

If you're new to texting, or just not up to date on what all the slang terms or abbreviations stand for ("ISTG," "SMH," "IB," "SWMBO," anybody?), they can get confusing rather quickly. That confusion can be amplified much more so if you're attempting a conversation through text and have to look up every other word. If you fall within that category, you've come to the right place! 

While the learning curve of keeping up with the current dialect and vernacular of social media speak may seem daunting, it doesn't have to be! For example, what about the term "DW"? We'll go over the basics of DW's meaning, how you can respond through text or on social media, and more.

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What Does 'DW' Mean in Text?

Most commonly, the meaning of "DW" in text is "don't worry." (Doctor Who or Arthur fans everywhere may disagree.) This meaning applies to social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram as well. If someone is seriously stressing out about something and asking for your advice, it may be a good idea to expound on "DW," but it'll still get the job done!

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What Does 'DW' Mean from a Guy?

If a guy friend texts something like, "Picking up DW then we'll be OTW!" he likely means, "Picking up 'dear wife' then we'll be 'on the way.'"

A simple yet endearing text between husband and wife can also include "DW," but it could mean either "dear wife" or "don't worry." It's all about context clues.

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Examples of How To Use 'DW' on Social Media

The use of "DW" is appropriate in forums, on social media sites, in emails, through personal texts and casual messages between family and friends. However, it wouldn't be advised to use internet acronyms in business communications. Professionally speaking, the recipient may question what it means and view the abbreviation as downright unprofessional.

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How Do You Respond to 'DW'?

When you've apologized over text, and the recipient replies with "DW," you can either leave the conversation alone, apologize again to show your sincerity or change the subject altogether. The best way to respond really depends on the person you're having the conversation with and how close your bond is, or how lighthearted or serious the conversation is. If it's lighthearted, change the subject to something more fun! If it's serious, maybe give the other person a while to cool off before continuing your discussion. 

Otherwise, someone might send you a "DW" text if you've been anxious lately or nervous about something. You can thank them for their confidence and support, expand on why you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed, or maybe give some time before you respond in case you're actually feeling dismissed by their short message.

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